Seventh-day Adventists (SDAs) are known for their traditional beliefs and practices, such as their adherence to a vegetarian lifestyle. SDAs believe that any eating or drinking should honor God and the holistic nature of humanity, and, as a result of this belief, the majority of Adventists are lacto-ovo vegetarians (meaning they do not consume meat but do consume dairy products). The health interests of the SDA church, though, are broader than just the vegetarian lifestyle they promote. The church supports plans to help people with addictions to alcohol, smoking, and/or eating unhealthy foods.
The Portsmouth Seventh-day Adventist Church's Health and Wellness Team encourages the eating of vitamin rich, low fat, healthy food along with excercising as often as possible, generally 3 times a week at the very least.
A vegetarian diet and a healthy lifestyle are not requirements for membership in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, but our members are encouraged to eat well, exercise, and stay away from substances like caffiene, alcohol, and street drugs, of course.